Grow With Us: Be Our Intern

Part of guidance services is dealing with human behavior and growth which demands dynamism and attitude of an individual who will be responsible to handle guidance tasks. The job entails a competent individual with proper knowledge, skills and capacities in the field of guidance and counseling. Thus, this program is designed for undergraduate students in Psychology and graduate students of Counseling who need to undergo training in the field or guidance and counseling. 

The internship program of CTC aims to provide learning experiences relevant to the needs of university and expose students in-training to the actual practice of Psychology and Counseling in educational field. 

Acquire knowledge and apply skills in the workplace such as: 

Undergraduate Students in Psychology Graduate Students in Counseling 
Interviews Test administration Scoring and Profiling Psychological Report Writing Office Procedures Interviews Counseling assessment Case conceptualization Counseling (individual or group) Case Report writing  Program development 

Exhibit sound and professional working attitude such as dependability, initiative, cooperation, punctuality, human relations and team work. 

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