LPU-Manila students have embarked on a journey that extends far beyond the classroom corners during the Summer School Program hosted by the National University of Kaohsiung (NUK) last July 30 to August 8, 2024. On its second-year run of the Summer program, NUK has invited its partner institutions to join…
LPU Manila Embarks on its First Outbound Student Mobility Program in partnership with the Osaka International University
As a commitment to strengthening the internationalization and academic excellence in the global community, the Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila (LPU-M) thru its Global Relations and Partnerships (GRP) office has embarked on a 6-day cultural immersion tour with its host partner school in Japan, the Osaka International University (OIU). Nine…
LPU Manila Welcomed Tunku Adbul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT)
LPU Manila is honored to welcome the esteemed academic officials from its partner university in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tunku Adbul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT). Headed by Dr. Ir Lee Sze Wei, University President, together with Assoc. Prof. Say Sok Kwan, VP for Administration and Internationalization and…
LPU Participates in the MOU Signing between CHED and the Universities Canada
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila, through its Global Relations and Partnerships Office, takes another step in collaboration with the Canadian Higher Education Institutions by participating in the MOU signing between CHED Chairperson Dr. J. Prospero De Vera and the Universities Canada today at Fairmont Makati. #LPUManila #LearnDifferentLiveDifferent…