University Officials


Chair Emeritus:Mrs. Lorna Perez Laurel
Chairman:Dr. Peter P. Laurel
Members:Mr. Carlos P. Laurel
 Atty. Luis Marcos P. Laurel
 Mr. Ricardo P. Laurel
Atty. Roberto P. Laurel
 Mrs. Sarah L. Lopez
 Mr. Antonio Jose U. Periquet Jr.
 Mr. Arthur R. Tan 


Atty. Roberto P. LaurelPresidentPRO
Mrs. Sarah L. Lopez TreasurerFIO
Dr. Jennifer D. TucpiVice President for Academic AffairsAAO
Mr. Bryan V. San LuisVice President for FinanceFIO
Mr. Randolph V. SacdalanExecutive Director, Strategy and Operations concurrent Vice-Dean, CBA
Ms. Judith B. ImperialDirector, Human Resources Department
Director, Global Relations and Partnerships
Ms. Leonora H. AsteteDirector, Community Outreach and Service LearningCSL
Dr. Rachelle D. BasilioManager, Center for Technical EducationCTE
Mr. Hercules P. CallantaConsultant, Athletics DepartmentATH
Dr. Devy M. GalangUniversity RegistrarOUR
Mr. Roy E. FerolinoData Protection OfficerODP
Dr. Jessa Frida T. FestijoOfficer-in-Charge, Research & Innovation CenterRIC
Ms. Hermielet R. HernandoDirector, Quality AssuranceIDO
Engr. Ray Gilnard V. ManiagoDirector, Physical Plant, Facilities & ManagementPFM
Mr. Rence Paolo R. PinoonComptrollerFIO
Mr. Emmanuel D.G. PunongbayanDirector, Information & Communication TechnologyICT
Ms. Carolyn C. QuibaDirector, Counseling and Testing CenterCTC
Ms. Sandra G. RectoDirector, Strategic Communications & Marketing
Director, Alumni Affairs  
Ms. Roberta Beatrice G. LaurelSpecial Projects Officer, Strategic Communications & MarketingSCM
Ms. Grace S. NeturadaDirector, Teaching and Learning Innovation Center (e-Learning)TLC
Dr. Bethzaida Mary Joy N. Dela CruzDirector, Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency
and Accreditation (ETEEAP)
Dr. Lyn A. Capistrano-MamaedUniversity PhysicianHSD
Ms. Sherry Ann Alcantara –RodenasDirector of LibrariesARC
Mr. Mark Edzel R. GonzalesChief Librarian, Sotero H. Laurel Academic Resource Center  ARC
Mr. Melosino Melvin Roi D. Respicio IIIChief AccountantACC


Ms. Clarence Ella D. Alipio Principal, Senior High SchoolSHS 
Dr. Marilyn L. Ngales Dean, College of Arts & SciencesCAS
Amb. Maria Aniceta Aileen H. BugarinDean, College of International RelationsCIR
Dr. Lilibeth C. AragonDean, College of Int’l. Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt.
Dean, College of Business Administration
Dr. Arlene R. CaballeroDean, College of TechnologyCOT
Atty. Ma. Soledad Margarita D. MawisDean, College of LawCOL
Dr. Samuel S. ChuaDean, Graduate SchoolGSC


Ms. Maricel A. Abellera Assistant RegistrarOUR 
Ms. Gladys O. RamosAssistant Dean, Student Affairs OfficeSAO
Mr. Allan Paul D. LaycoAssistant to the Athletics DirectorATH
Ms. Lani S. SaltingAssistant TreasurerFIO 
Engr. Meri Nizza R. Ortiz LuisManager, Physical Plant, Facilities & ManagementPFM
Ms. Sheila Marie N. LiningHuman Resources ManagerHRD

As of April 29, 2024