Author: WANG XIN

Issue: 2023-2024


In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, especially the continuous breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology in the algorithm, the application of artificial intelligence robots in the service industry is increasing, especially the catering industry is also constantly laying out more advanced unmanned restaurants, and the use of more AI robots has become the forefront of the development of The Times. The Chinese government gives priority to the deployment of artificial intelligence, big data, driverless and other high-tech, on the one hand to solve the rising labor costs caused by the epidemic, on the other hand, it can seize the development opportunity to achieve industrial upgrading. The epidemic has given people more inspiration, the need to provide more uncontacted services in the service industry, and the need to constantly reduce costs to meet the challenges brought by aging. However, the service industry such as catering is an industry that needs warmth. Whether artificial intelligence robots can meet customers’ expectations while providing services, especially in the process of human-robot interaction, the discussion of some important influencing factors will be conducive to the wider acceptance and use of AI robots.

This study constructs A theoretical model of Customer experience acceptance for Human Robot Interaction AI robots from the perspective of human-computer interaction and based on the technology acceptance model. The relevant conceptual framework is reviewed. The technology acceptance model is a classic verification model that can test the acceptance of new technologies in the market. The application of AI technology, especially in service robots, requires us to test through the technology acceptance model. The researcher took the perspective of human-robot interaction, add some pre-variables and moderating variables, and transform the technology model, and fully learn from the relevant studies of technology interaction model, aiming to fully explore the main effect relationship affecting the use of human-robot interaction and the acceptance of customer experience. Human-robot interaction has a positive effect on customer experience acceptance. Through first-hand questionnaire survey, data analysis and model testing, the research focuses on artificial intelligence robots in the catering industry (Haidilao hotpot) to explore the influence mechanism between human-robot interaction and customer experience acceptance. The introduction part introduces the development of the industry, the development status of AI technology, the importance China attaches to AI technology, and the development trend and challenges faced by China’s catering industry during the novel COVID-19 epidemic. The background part introduces the origin of AI and the market development potential of AI, especially in China, the AI market has huge potential, and the novel COVID-19 epidemic has promoted the rapid development of

AI technology in the service industry to some extent. Like China’s catering giant Haidilao hot pot, AI robots have been laid out in advance to improve corporate competitiveness, and AI robots have become an indispensable part of the future. The study was designed in strict compliance with the SOP and presented 5 questions, 5 objectives, and 9 hypotheses. In The part of literature review, the researchers carefully combed the major databases, SCOPUS, Mendeley, The World of Science, and

Science Direct, collected more than 100 literatures, sorted out the current situation of literature research on AI robots in the catering industry, and found the shortcomings in the research. To fill the research gap. Firstly, we study the innovation of perspective, starting from the perspective of human-robot interaction for the first time. Secondly, Zhengzhou, a large city in central China, is selected for the first time to fill the gap in the research scope. Finally, the study focuses on the influence of two moderating variables, the Generation gap and the moderating effect of social class.

In order to obtain real and reliable data, the researcher combed the scales, and all the scales used domestic and foreign mature scales. A total of 574 valid data were obtained by using the questionnaire star network platform. SPSS, Amos and Mplus software were used to further analyze the reliability, validity, structural equation and regression of the data, and some important conclusions were drawn.

(1) Instrumental and self-efficacy have a significant positive impact on the effect of human-robot interaction.

(2) Human-robot interaction has a main effect on customer experience acceptance.

(3) Customers’ functional perception and social perception play a completely mediating role in the influence of human-robot interaction on customers’ usage intention.

(4) Generation gap and social class play a faint moderating role in function perception, social perception and customer experience acceptance, but the role is not obvious.

Key words: AI robot; Human-robot interaction; Function perception; Social perception; Customer experience acceptance