Analyzing the Effects of the Risks of Covid-19 in the Travel Intentions of the Local Travelers in Metro Manila

Authors: Melisse Angela Dela Cuesta, Ma. Rosario Esquierdo, Naizah Rico, Jamie Salamanes, Louise Rae Suarez, and Jannin Arnaldo

Issue: 2021-2022


The study focused on Analyzing the Effects of the Risks of COVID-19 in the Travel Intentions of the Local Travelers Residing in Metro Manila aimed to find how the risks of COVID-19 affect the local travelers’ travel intentions. The descriptive-correlational research design used and the snowball sampling method to choose the respondents of this study. The objective of this study is to provide awareness of how the risks of COVID-19 affect travel intentions as well as how the risks affect people of different demographic profiles. The proponents conclude that the demographic profiles do not get affected by the identifiable risks that affect the travel intentions of local travelers.

Keywords: COVID-19; Risk; Travel Intention; Local Travelers; Metro Manila