A Comparative Study on the Satisfaction of Selected Tourism Students on Traditional and Online Learning

Authors: Regine Antoinette Bianca Idian,  Sheraiza Larizh Lajom, Nicole Kaye Hermoso, Louise Francesca Tibus, Cleofe Alexis Teano and Dr. Jocelyn Camalig

Issue: 2020-2021


This study is relevant and currently existing because of the pandemic and the education were affected.  The purpose of this study is to compare the experiences of tourism students in traditional learning system and online learning system. The study used quantitative research design, furthermore, a comparative research method was utilized to compare the experiences of respondents in traditional learning and online learning set-up. The researcher used a 5-point Likert scale in their self-made survey instrument and disseminated it via the Internet and 333 responses were gathered from schools and universities within the Metro Manila with a center of excellence accreditation. When test of Normality using Shapiro Wilk was applied it revealed that the decision is to used non-parametric test based on the weight mean of the variables. When inferential statistics were applied, by comparing the variables through Wilcoxon Test, a significant difference result was gathered between all the variables. The null hypotheses for all the variables were rejected because of the significant difference result favoring the traditional learning set-up but it can also be seen that what is low on experiences of students in traditional learning is something that is high in online learning set-up and vice versa. Learning satisfaction serves as learners’ feelings and attitudes toward the learning procedures or the level of fulfilment connected to one’s desire to learn, caused by the learning journeys. Results shows that traditional learning are more efficient to students. Human interaction is what students still prefer rather than facing a monitor of computer with your classmate on it. The researchers recommend what are the best practice in traditional learning and in online learning be fused together in order for us to have a more efficient and effective blended learning which will be implemented in the following school years.

KEYWORDS: education; traditional learning; online learning; blended learning; experiences of students