CoTrax: An Android based Contact Tracing Mobile Application with Cloud Storage and Geographic Information System using SourceAFIS and Spatial Analysis

Authors: John Vincent P. Mina, Mark Jerico C. Ocampo, Arlene R. Caballero, and Erlito M. Albina

Issue: 2023


This paper presents an Android-based contact tracing mobile application called CoTrax that utilizes biometrics, cloud storage, and geographic information system (GIS) mapping. The goal is to provide digital contact tracing to aid COVID-19 containment efforts. Users register personal details and fingerprint templates. When accessing facilities using CoTrax biometrics, their fingerprint is scanned to retrieve registered identity details for contact tracing.

The system architecture includes the mobile app, fingerprint matching using SourceAFIS algorithm, cloud storage on Firebase, and an admin portal. The GIS maps display COVID-19 case data analytics. Facilities can request reports of visitors’ details for contact tracing if needed. Key features include user registration and login, contact tracing form, and interactive GIS maps visualizing COVID-19 cases per city. Users have to consent to data privacy policies before accessing the app.

Testing used agile-based user testing to collect feedback across modules. Assessed using ISO 9126 standards, results showed the system met objectives related to features, usability, and security. The overall verdict was “very satisfied” indicating user acceptance and willingness to use such digital contact tracing.

In conclusion, CoTrax aims to make contact tracing easier and more efficient compared to traditional paper-based methods during the pandemic. Quicker tracing of possible exposures while maintaining data privacy aims to aid containment. Wider adoption would depend on public acceptance and support from facilities to install such biometrics systems alongside existing protocols. The app can further be enhanced with features like exposure notifications and analytics dashboards.