Online Statement of Assets and Liabilities Networth System (SALN) for Philippine Government: AFP

Authors: Jayme, Joseph G., Pucolangas, Sir Godfrey M., and Torres, Joy C.

Issue: 2019


SALN form requires government officials and employees to declare their personal and family expenses. The SALN is required by the law to promote transparency and public accountability among government employees and public officials. Filling up SALN is done manually and that is the main reason why we decided to make it online, it will be easier for the AFP officials/members pass their SALN, they don’t need to go to the office where they submit their SALN, a computer with an internet will do. This Capstone will enhance the process of submitting AFP Official/Member on submitting their SALN thru the use of internet. Our application will be a user friendly and stress-free to use. By the help of this system the user will be satisfied to the given services and can earn more benefits and give satisfaction on the services by means of a much faster and reliable system