PULSE: A Mini Literary Anthology is now available at The Lycean Pioneer’s official Issue Account
Fighting the inhibitions dwelling on souls who yearn to bleed, their words unite as they paint bloodshed on one paper. Their wrists tune to the rhythm of the strokes of the pen, inscribing words of musings and yearnings, as well as vulnerabilities, all while ripping the heart open.
In this mini collection of ten poems contributed by students from LPU – Manila SHS, The Lycean Pioneer highlights the fragments of different souls that constitute the pulse of the student body in some aspects of life—may it be about budding love, restoration of hope, or angst—amid the trying times. Within a world where the voices of the young fall short on deaf ears, poetry serves as an avenue to amplify the rhythm of this emerging pulse.
Download and access now at: https://tinyurl.com/PULSEANTHOLOGY
Note: If you are using your mobile phone, this Mini Literary Anthology is best viewed on landscape mode.
Cover Illustration by: Mariana Garay
Layout by: Celestine Aira Oxinio, Raphaela Berana, and Vonhomer Orcajada.