How #Kakampink On (FB GROUP) Influence Filipino Voters on pre, during, and post Philippine Election 2022 A Thematic Analysis

Authors: Madrid, Gwyneth Zoe P., Morales, Patricia Lorein M., Pineda, Samantha A., and Ramos, Rovic D.

Year: 2022


Social media is a medium for engaging discussion that develops into an immediate information source for the general public. By providing strong public platforms where Individuals can liberally share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a range of subjects; it has become an essential part of daily life in contemporary society (Bashir et al., 2021). The extensive emergence of social networking websites has made information transmission easier. This knowledge has made it easier to spread persuasive and marketing messages. This study focuses on how #Kakampink influenced the Filipino voters on pre, during, and post Philippine Election 2022 and its polarity. The data collection will be conducted to 5 random people who are part of (Face book Group) and will be done through Interview. This study is delimited to other problems that are not necessarily connected and not having any influence on Filipino voters who are part of (Face book Group). The respondents should be part of the chosen Face book Group and participate in such political discussion specifically related to the recent Philippine Election. Qualitative research is intended to give the researcher a way to comprehend a phenomenon by seeing or interacting with the study’s participants (Denzin & Lincoln, 2008).

Key Concept: kakampink, Filipino voters, Philippine Election