Issue: 2023-2024


The study was conducted to evaluate the mediating role of customer satisfaction and customer delight in the relationship between online food delivery service quality (OFDSERV) and customer loyalty. This study utilizes a descriptive research design that employs a quantitative approach. Consumers of online food delivery services who reside in the National Capital Region are the respondents of the study. An online questionnaire adapted and modified by the researcher was administered to OFD consumers. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the demographic profile of the respondents while inferential statistics was used to test the difference between the answers given by the two sets of respondents. To test the hypotheses of the study, a second generation statistical test called Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to determine the direct and indirect relationships of the studied constructs. Since SEMs permit the evaluation of a set of simultaneous hypotheses regarding the relationships between some latent and manifest variables and other variables, it is the most appropriate statistical test. The study’s findings unveiled the demographic profile of respondents as 18-30 years old, female, single, attained a college level of education, students, with less than Php10,000 monthly income, live in Quezon City, prefers Grab Food and McDonald’s and pays in cash. Platform-to-consumer respondents marked all the criteria with a “strongly agree” rating in the areas of reliability, assurance, system operation, traceability, and security while giving an “agree” score to two out of the eight maintenance of meal quality and hygiene statements. Meanwhile, restaurant-to-consumer respondents gave both system operation and security a 100% “strongly agree” rating. Both traceability and assurance had one statement that received an “agree” rating while half of the criteria for both reliability and maintenance of meal quality and hygiene were rated as “agree”. Both platform-to- consumer and restaurant-to-consumer respondents rated all customer satisfaction statements as “strongly agree”. There was a difference in the score given by the two study groups in the area of customer delight. Out of the seven criteria evaluated, two got an “agree” rating from the platform-to-consumer respondents while three from the restaurant- to-consumer customers. The rest of the statements were marked as “strongly agree”. Regarding customer loyalty, platform-to-consumer OFDS respondents gave all customer loyalty items a “strongly agree” rating while the customers of restaurant-to-consumer OFDS scored one item as merely “agree”. The data analysis revealed that online food delivery service quality has a significant and positive effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer delight. The results also disclosed that customer satisfaction has a significant and positive influence on customer loyalty as with customer delight on customer loyalty. Mediation analysis likewise showed that both customer satisfaction and customer delight act as mediator on the relationship between online food delivery service quality and customer loyalty. Finally, the t-test results exhibited the significantly higher rating given by platform-to consumer respondents on online food delivery service quality, customer satisfaction, customer delight, and customer loyalty compared to restaurant-to- consumer respondents.

Keywords: Online food delivery service quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer Delight, Customer Loyalty