Women On Top: Glass Ceiling Experiences and Management Styles of Female Leaders In Selected Hospitality Businesses During The Pandemic

Authors: Karen Ashley Bosano, Nadean Valerie P. Cedilla, Julliene Carlyle D. Nueno, Erika Anne D. Paule, and Ms. Zarina Hipolito

Issue: 2020-2021


This study entitled Women on Top: Glass Ceiling Experiences and Management Styles of Female Leaders in Selected Hospitality Businesses During the Pandemic sought to determine the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of their position, age, civil status, length of service in the Hotel Industry, and length of service as a General Manager. The paper also aims to determine the experiences about glass ceilings in the workplace, enablers to reach the current position in the upper management and their major contributions to the hotel they are managing as of now. The research gap of the study is to determine the Management Style of the Female Leaders during the Pandemic. This study used qualitative evaluative research design – Interview Guide in gathering information about the respondents. Researchers concluded that Discrimination based on gender is still prevalent today, particularly in the hospitality industry. Women were emotionally and verbally discriminated against, claiming that they are too emotional, fragile, and indecisive to be general managers because they believe that this will affect the hotel’s operations when it comes to decision-making processes, and thus they believe women are not capable of managing a hotel. These female leaders have various leadership styles that can be used in the workplace. It could be innovative, systematic, futuristic, and flexible. It may be difficult but reaching top management in the hospitality industry for women is not impossible.

Keywords: Women General Manager, Upper Management, Gender Based Discrimination, Leadership Style, Pandemic