Private Preschool Grading System Using VB.Net 2008 and SQL Server 2008

Authors: Balacano, Ludy M., Calixton, Nielmhar R., Chavez, Monela A., Garcia, Errol N., and Sta. Maria Phil Alden M.

Issue: 2021


A Grading System is designed to provide motivation reward for triumph and assist in problems of the students. In most cases, grading system is particularly known in various universities, secondary, and primary but rarely for preschools. Generally, this statement leads the researchers to the development of a universal grading system for Preschools. In this development, the process of computing the pupils’ grades becomes simpler and convenient for the Preschool teachers. This study significantly improved the encoding and managing grades, thus reducing the errors and mistakes in the said process. It prevents the teachers from lowering expectations when grading or from grading with bias. It tests to provide data about the specific knowledge and skills students are focusing and struggling with. In developing the software, it is included the sorting of grades and automatically recognizes the top 10 students. This will also cover from registration of the teachers, encoding of grades up to generating reports and printing of report cards. Grade reports contain the summary of the pupils’ records and performances in four (4) grading period for the whole school year.