Instructions/Reminders to Candidates of Graduation Class of 2020 and 2021



  • Tuesday, May 31, 2022
  • 10:00 a.m., JPL Hall of Freedom (Virtual Celebration)
  • MS Teams link will be sent to your LPU Campus Mail and posted to the LPU Manila Official Facebook Page


  • Thursday, 02 June 2022
  • 6:30 a.m., Plenary Hall, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC)

1. Attire

Outer: Toga


  • Ladies: Dress / skirt and blouse. Your toga should be longer than your dress. DO NOT WEAR PANTS OR SLACKS. Be in simple make-up and simple hairdo. No dangling earrings.
  • Gentlemen: Dark slacks (NOT MAONG PANTS), long sleeves polo with necktie


  • Black closed shoes (pumps) for ladies
  • Black leather shoes for gentlemen with black socks

Other reminders

  • The cap should be worn throughout the graduation ceremonies.
  • The tassel should be at the left side before the Conferring of Degrees and should be at the right side after the Conferring of Degrees.
  • Those not wearing the proper attire will not be allowed entry to PICC. Deans/department chairs/faculty members/faculty marshals shall also check the attire of graduates and those found not wearing the proper attire shall not be allowed to attend the commencement exercises.

Health and Safety Protocols:

  • Bring physical vaccine card and government issued ID
  • Strictly use white KF94 facemask
  • Avoid close contact such as shaking of hands, hugging or any close physical gesture.
  • Removal of facemask will be allowed before receiving of diploma until after photo booth pictorial
  • Only fully vaccinated will be allowed entry at PICC.

2. Entrance to PICC

  • Enter the PICC Building through the Artists’ Entrance (left side entrance if you are facing PICC, not the main entrance.)
  • Tickets to gain entry to the PICC should only be surrendered to LPU personnel or LPU guards (Right Eight guards).
  • DO NOT BUY TICKETS OUTSIDE PICC. Scalpers (persons selling fake PICC tickets) will approach and offer you FAKE PICC tickets at a lower price. Those fake tickets will not be honored at the entrance.
  • Corsage is not required. Those selling corsage outside PICC will tell you that it is required so that you will be forced to buy.

3. Assembly

  • As soon as you enter PICC, report to your respective evaluators at the Plenary Hall Lobby, have your attendance checked, then proceed to the designated assembly area, report to your faculty marshall and fall in line (per program, in alphabetical order), in preparation for the processional.

4. Processional

  • The faculty marshal will lead/guide you during the processional.
  • Your tassel should be at the left side.

Additional Reminders:

1. Only photographers from Zone 5 (official photography studio) are permitted to take pictures during the ceremonies. Unauthorized photographers may approach you and get down payment from you but you will never find their offices.

2. Eat heavy breakfast as food is prohibited inside PICC.

3. Children under 8 years old are not allowed inside PICC.

4. The placing of leis or garlands is prohibited during any part of the formal ceremony.

5. Smoking or eating is strictly prohibited inside PICC.

6. You will not be allowed to bring your bag with you during the processional and throughout the program. Leave your things/bags with your parents/guardian.

After graduation:

1. Return your toga at Room 317-319 on June 6 – 10, 2022 from 9:00 am – 12:00 n.n./ 1:30p.m. – 4:00p.m.

2. PICC pictures will be sent directly to your LPU network email. Please make sure its activated and regularly check your LPU network email.