We are proud to announce our newest batch of Microsoft Certification Exam Passers. We hope that their commitment to continuing their professional development may have inspired others to do the same. The Microsoft Certification is a program spearheaded by the Center for Technology-Enabled Education and HRD-Workplace Learning & Development. …
What’s New is myLPU e-Learning 3.11 Version?
Learn more about the new features and the latest update here: bit.ly/mylpu311…
1st Semester AY 2021-2022 Faculty Performance Evaluation by Students myLPU e-Learning Feedback Module 3 by Faculty and Students
Please be informed that the Faculty Performance Evaluation by Students and myLPU e-Learning Feedback for Faculty and Students for Module 3, 1st Semester AY 2020-2021 are scheduled on December 13-21, 2021 only. Also, please be reminded that the myLPU e-Learning Feedback is a requirement for your semestral clearance…
Microsoft in Education certificate in recognition of membership in the Showcase School Program
We are proud to announce that LPU Manila has been awarded this Microsoft in Education certificate in recognition of membership in the Showcase School Program.LPU has been recognized as a Microsoft Showcase School for 6 consecutive years now! Microsoft Showcase Schools are a global community of schools engaged in…
503 Service Unavailable Error
503 Service Unavailable Error: What It Is and How to Fix It A 503 Service Unavailable Error is an HTTP response status code indicating that a website’s server is temporarily unavailable to handle your request. It is due to the server being overloaded or system maintenance downtime. This error…